"Coaching Material"のご紹介 #2
JAPANese Notes
スーパー日本語講師会のSuper-Jコーチが授業で活用する主な教材は、「4階層」で構成されています。その一部である"JAPANese Notes"シリーズについてご紹介します。
Topic: How the Pronunciation of English Loan Words is Altered in Japanese / 英語から取り入れた言葉の発音は日本語でどう変わる
🔈 音声 (各資料には、プロにより録音されたオーディオが埋め込まれています。)
Many English words have been adopted into Japanese. However, they can only be pronounced with the syllabic sounds used in Japanese.
So, pronunciation of all English loan words are slightly altered.
Many long words are abbreviated. For instance, television is shortened to terebi, and building to biru.
In some cases, combinations of two abbreviated words are used to make a single word, for instance, personal computer becomes pasokon.
In some cases, combinations of two abbreviated words are used to make a single word, for instance, personal computer becomes pasokon.